Back in March, our SJ and her partner, Steph, took over a half plot on the Granville Park allotment site.
Their plot was overgrown, very weedy and in need of some love (and a lot of digging).
Fast forward lots of hard graft to August and it’s now bursting with fruit, veg and a smart new shed.
Last weekend, SJ and Steph entered their finest cauliflower (back row, second along), some courgettes and a giant potato into the annual Granville Allotment competition.
Sadly, they didn’t win any prizes (mainly because the board was swept by old timers Derek, Sue (best flowers) and Granville (onions) but they got to pick up loads of tips, learn just how big an onion can grow and taste a lot of homemade jam.
This is Granville's winning onion (his name has no influence over the competition whatsoever. Allegedly)
Steph did win the 'Guess the Weight of the Cake' cake, correctly guessing it weighted 6.2kg.
So they didn’t go home empty handed.
Granville Park have been so impressed with SJ and Steph's efforts that they've since given them the other half plot next to theirs to tend.
Both SJ and Steph are now busy planning what to plant for next year, reading The Little Book of Slugs and figuring out how to whup Granville in 'Best Onion' next year.
If you're a green fingered sort and have any top tips on anything from broad bean husbandry through to clever planting or raised beds made easy, please post your tips below and SJ will try the best ones out.
You might even get a special invite along to next year's show (or a pot of homemade jam) by way of thanks.