Yesterday, our veg pots reached the grand old age of two.
So to celebrate, we threw a party.
For lunch, you could choose from the risotto, the masala, the curry and the chilli and then to complement each pot, there was rustic Italian fare (cooked meats, olives, party rings and breadsticks),
Indian delights (paneer cheese, bhajis, party rings, nanns and chutney),
Exotic Thai treats (prawns, peanuts, party rings, sweet chilli sauce and tofu chunks)
or Mexican accompaniments (nachos, salsa, tabasco sauce and more party rings)
Pot love was followed by a game of Pass the Pot and Hunt the Silver Pot
Oli and Joe M then hosted a game of Pot Bingo and the National Pottery
After all the fun, we went back to our desks for a bit and then at 4pm, we all had a slice of birthday cake made by Dave's wife.
A very tasty birthday indeed.