Today is our juice carafe's first birthday. To celebrate we sang happy birthday, we played pass the parcel and Dave F's wife made this rather lovely orange sponge cake. Being an inanimate object our carafe wasn't able to enjoy the cake, so we did the decent thing and helped it out. It was delicious.
You may also remember that last week we set you the challenge of writing an ode to our juice carafe. We had some cracking entries but there could only be 3 winners, so a big well done to Lydia, Paulme and Becky whose tales of hullabaloo, marching bands and vodka made us smile a lot.
Its our juice carafe's first birthday, We are planning to have a great laugh, All our staff will be singing hip hip hip hooray, For the success of our posh jug, the carafe. The apples and oranges, all of our fruits, The staff, and Richard Reed too, Are going to strip down to their birthday suits, And cause quite a hullabaloo.
It's our juice carafe's first birthday A Juice of high repute Twelve months of loving labour Devoted to the fruit The finest natural product From Innocent to you Add a drop of Vodka And make it naughty too
It's our juice carafe's first birthday, Bring on the marching band, Bursting with fruit and here to stay, They're the zest-iest in the land. So let's dance for joy and celebrate, Gather round all your friends, 'Cos they're never made from concentrate, And there's even some exciting new blends.
Thanks to everyone who entered and congratulations to Lydia, Paulme and Becky. A case of our juice will be on its way to you shortly.
Our lovely juice carafe's first birthday is coming up, and to celebrate we'd like to dedicate a nice poem to it.
Not being great poets ourselves (see below if you need further proof), we'd love you to have a go at coming up with a fitting tribute. It needs to start with the line "It’s our juice carafe’s first birthday", and it should follow the rhyming pattern ABABCDCD, so you might want to avoid sticking an orange at the end of a line. A little bit like the one below, but much, much better:
It’s our juice carafe’s first birthday, And we’re planning a bit of a do, We’ll probably play some reggae, And dance a little bit too. Someone will bake a big cake, Hopefully with jam and cream, Then we’ll all be too stuffed to stay awake, So we’ll fall asleep and dream.
Leave your poem as a comment to this post and the 3 we like most will each win a case of our finest juice. We'll be picking the winners on Thursday February 2nd so get your entries in by the end of the day on Wednesday.
This competition is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered and congratulations to Lydia, Paulme and Becky. A case of our juice will be on its way to you shortly.
Today is National Apple Day
So go and celebrate by eating one
Right this instant.
Put down the apples, step away from the juicer and remove yourself from the kitchen theatre immediately because our apple juice is now available in little 330ml bottles.
You can find them in NISA and McColls stores right now, Starbucks from next week and Sainsbury’s from the start of November.
We’re so giddy with excitement that we’ve got 10 cases to give away.
All you need to do win one is tell us your best apple joke below.
And if you're very lucky, you might even get a signed photo of Janel, our resident opera singer and all round angel
Post your jokes by Monday 10th October and we'll announce the winners here next week.
This competition is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered. Big congratulations to Stephen P, Christine S, Andrena, Karen, Di, Clive, Rach, Jayne, Sara and Louise. Cases of apple juice winging their way to you very soon.
We ran a caption competition last month asking you to tell us what words should accompany our lemur on our next round of orange and apple juice labels. After a side-splitting session reading through all the suggestions we eventually selected Leyla's caption as our winner (you can see the rest of our favourites here).
We were so impressed with the quality of the captions first time round that we thought we'd run the competition again, and give you all another chance to try your hand at becoming a published innocent writer.
So, you know the drill - what is this sheep thinking, saying, or playing at?
Just post your caption as a comment below, and we'll announce the winner in a few weeks' time. The top ten runners up will each get a load of innocent goodies, and the winning caption will be printed on our juice labels alongside the sheep this summer, and read by gazillions* of people. Fact.
**Competition now extended to Wednesday 11th May** Good luck.
*last time we checked, gazillion wasn't a real number, but who's counting?
A few weeks ago we announced our competition to get your words on our juice labels. All you had to do was provide us with a caption to go under this little guy.
First up, here's a selection of runners-up:
"First to blink loses." by Lilly Potter
"I am so excited right now. Just look at my excited." by Tom
"When I get out of here I'm going to find a nice spot in the country, work the land, and grow old with my wife." by Tom Pryke
"That's it. Keep working that mysterious look. She'll notice yo- yep, she's spotted you, you handsome devil, you" by Hannah bates
"Paul couldn’t hide the fact he thought holding a giant cucumber for the photo shoot was absolutely ridiculous." Dudley.
"One final turn, now hold it, hold it and you've nailed the part, you rascal." by Adam Justice
"Quick, look busy, David Attenborough's coming." by Julie Ramsden
"And by the way, when I said your tail was the longest I've ever seen? I was lying." by Sarah
"Yeah, actually you did wake me up" by Rob Falconer
"You looking at me? YOU LOOKING AT ME?? Ah, wait, that's a mirror." by Amebeecomps
Now, drum-roll please. And the winner is Leyla, with the following:
"Between 10 and 5 they said. It is now 5.30."
Congratulations everyone, we'll be in touch with every runner-up and Leyla to send you each some innocent prizes. Watch this space for our next caption competition.
Animals are good to look at. We put pictures of animals on our juice labels and write captions to go with them. Check out the mud loving chimp above to see what we mean.
In the summer this photo of a lemur will appear on our next round of juice labels. We want you to write the caption that goes with it, with your words being seen on hundreds of thousands of juice labels.
What is this furry fellow thinking, saying, or looking at? Is he in fact a she? What you write is completely up to you.
We'll print the caption we like best on every single label with a lemur on it later this year. Your words will be read by shed loads of people (probably millions) and you’ll receive international fame, fortune and a hefty delivery of juice and smoothies.
Just post your caption as a comment below. The competition will close at 6pm Thursday 17th March, and we'll announce the winner the following week.
Good luck.
You may have heard, but we've just launched our brand new orange juice (and apple juice too). To celebrate, we've got 11 breakfast hampers to give away.
We squeeze 11 oranges into every carafe, so we've got 11 overflowing breakfast hampers to give away (we're simple like that). In each hamper you'll find: homemade muffins, crunchy granola, fresh fruit, marmalade (made by our very own Kat E), tasty bread, napkins, limited edition innocent juice glasses, wonderful tea from, along with a thirst-quenchingly large amount of juice. There's plenty to share.
To be in with a chance of winning, just tell us your best orange or apple pun or joke. Our 11 favourites will each get a hamper delivered to their door. Here's a couple to help start the ball rolling:
- two oranges walk into a bar, one says "your round"
- you make me peel like a natural woman
- ooh-aah, juiced a little bit
To enter, click here (entries only open for UK residents - sorry).
Competition closes at midnight Monday 14th February.