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January 07, 2009


I'm going to have to try the sweet potato chili. Thanks.

Good stuff Innocent! Impressed that you followed up on the feedback you received and the speed at which you got the new / updated products out.

Hello Rosy and Joanna,

Thanks for posting.

We'd love to know what you think of it after you've tried it. If you leave your thoughts here

you might even win yourself a whole box of smoothies as you'll automatically get entered into our review of the month competition.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts very soon.

Bye for now

nice one, look forward to trying these two - a trip to tesco at lunchtime for me i think!

this is really exciting, I'm trying your chili for the first time atm and it's gorgeous! sooo good to be able to get a vegan ready meal in a push! I found mine in waitrose, I hope you do them in tesco and asda as i don't really use them but they're closer for these :) thanks from a vegan :)

Please drop the unnecessary fish from the thai veg curry and make it available to vegetarians.

please, please, please take the fish sauce out of the Thai curry pot .. I'd love to try it, but I'm vegetarian :)

cool....yes i second that please take the fish sauce out of the Thai curry pot.....i was surprised to see it in the ingredients...good job i checked. but i would love to try it.....

oh bless you Innocent. You always deliver don;t you - you good good people.
I so struggle with food labelling as a vegan as so few folks label their food as vegan. I just like you people more and more. Thank you

Good news for vegans! Yay! x

YEAH!!! Thanks so much!!! I love the veg pots and have been meaning to ask you about this. Thanks for listening to your customers!

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am so pleased. You have restored my faith in 'innocent' products. I was so excited to hear about vegpots and as a vegan so disappointed there were none I could try and I'm so very pleased you have listened to our pleas and responded so wonderfully. Can't wait to try them x

great news for us vegans - my partner and i were gutted about these non vegan pots - can you take the creme fraiche, honey and fish sauce out of the other pots ;-)
thai minus fish sauce and honey would be great - as there is never any ready thai out there for us vegans! companies offer so many tomato/onion sauced based meals, so thai would be a nice change.

agave is a great sub for honey guys!

awesome news for vegans! :)

on the right track but all veg pots should be vegan. it is misleading and alienating your loyal customer base.
Innocent, don't be evil!

Listening? Have you been listening? What about the fishy fish sauce?! Lots of people have commented on that.

Hello Andrew.

We're always listening to our drinkers and veg pot eaters. Fish sauce in our Thai veg pots is a question that has come up before on our blog as you rightly say. We posted the below reply on a separate blog post but can appreciate that this answer is quite hard to track down...

Vegetarians - four of the recipes are suitable for vegetarians:
-moroccan squash tagine
-tuscan bean stew
-pea & broccoli rice
-sweet potato chilli

The Thai one isn't because it has fish sauce in.
We tried loads of ingredients instead of the fish sauce, because we'd rather everyone could eat it, but it made such a difference to the taste that we stayed with the traditional ingredient.

Some people hadn't seen this on the packaging so we've changed the packaging to make it clear on the top that it contains fish sauce.

So, Thai coconut curry isn’t suitable for vegetarians, but all the rest are and now we have two that are suitable for vegans as well after listening to vegan's feedback.

If you have any other questions please let us know either by leaving a comment on this blog, dropping us an email at [email protected] or calling the banana phone on 0208 600 3939. We're always more than happy to listen and respond as we say.

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