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February 26, 2007


Love Malcolm the Mascot he'd definitely get me out there training.

The girls' energy levels would be massively boosted by large dollops of sponsorship. So go to and give generously. Please.

Isn't it time that there was a 'Sport Smoothie' to help these ladies? No added sugar mind. Just lots of lovely motivation.

Training for the Marathon myself. Whilst I drink innocent until it comes out of my ears - I do highly recommend Viper energy drink by maximuscle (no I don't work for them!). All the best with the training!! enjoy the day...

Paddy the fisherman.

Not necessarily a comment on this post, so much as a comment on the blog in general:
How on earth do i get the rss feed for this blog?
The subscribe button gives me a download which Windows doesn't know - and can't find out - how to open, while Google Reader can't find any feed on the site.
Any clues? Am I doing something wrong?

And now for a comment on the post itself: Have you tried visiting
There's a feature on the site where you can look for routes that other people in your area have saved - dead useful.
They're Manchester rather than London, but can I add Paul Heaton (Housemartins, Beautiful South) and John Thompson (Cold Feet, Fast Show) as celebrity spots while running? I can also recommend the SIS PSP sports drinks, though it's no bad idea sticking to the London Marathon ones that you will get on the day, either.

Have you had a look at this site?

Its a handy little place where you can map out your route. There maybe runs mapped out from others in the London area?

This is an example

its the run I do on a lunchtime. Hope you like it?
Good luck!

Hello Chris

Sorry about the trouble with the RSS feed. Try pasting into your feed reader


That's done the trick! Thanks

Thanks so much for all those tips. and are both really useful sites and some taste tests are definitely in order for the sports drinks recommended.

we'll keep you posted on how it all goes

thanks again


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