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August 29, 2006



I suggested a tea/coffee run to Fruitstock Jenny for next year's event. A number of Innocent staff were manning various points on their own. A cheery cuppa char & cookie can (alliteration gives out) help raise flagging spirits.

Clearly I hadn't thought this through. A wrongly shaped mug, too many brown bits, wrong kind of milk and the tea/coffee/cookie dispensers might find themselves being slapped round the chops with a wet kipper and sent on their way!


I don't drink tea or coffee but I can totally sympathise with the icky brown bits as my other half drinks gallons of the stuff. Extremely irritating when it's MY mug and i end up with bits in my hot water with lemon!!! grr. At least I don't have to worry about kettle scum... living in Scotland does have it's advantages!!

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